Friday, November 8, 2013

Central Falls Community Mentor Meeting 

On October 17th, I attended a community mentor meeting at Central Falls High School.  These meetings take place once a month and give mentors an opportunity to learn new skills while working with Youth.

This meeting had five other mentors from the Central Falls community.  Each of these mentors work directly with youth in a variety of different settings.  A few concentrated on theater and drama, while others focused on music and art.  This meeting lasted for an hour and a half.  During this time we all got the opportunity to get to know each other and to make connections.  We also did three different "hands on" activities where we learned different techniques for working with youth.  Each activity was lead by a different mentor and we would debrief after it was completed.

One of my favorite activities was an improv one where we had to partner up with someone and learn how to focus on each other and work together in order to reach a common goal.  It almost acted as a great ice breaker to get everyone comfortable with one another.

I really enjoyed attending this meeting.  It was great to get a chance to know other people who are working and experienced in the Youth Development field and to see their different techniques.  Everyone in the meeting came from different backgrounds, but we were all able to learn from each other.  This meeting truly solidified for me that you never really stop learning.  Even the most experienced mentors were able to take something out of this event.

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